What the Heck is Living ALIVE Anyway? Part 2

Yesterday, my blog covered a quick backstory of how ALIVE was birthed. I also gave a super quick explanation of LOVE and IMAGINE, two of the words the acronym stands for. Today, I'm moving along with the other letters.

The Rest of What You Really Want to Know

Our society tends to thrive on drama of all kinds. If you don't believe it, spend some time scrolling through social media threads. We like to place blame on other people, not owning our own "stuff." We thrive to be validated for something that happens to us such as someone cutting us off in traffic or poor service. Then we move into judging others for doing the same thing. Which brings us to the V in ALIVE stands for VICTORY. Victory against victim mentality. We learn what we can control and focus on that. We accept what we can't control and release the things that no longer serve us. We practice forgiveness and amends when needed and feed our soul good things that support what we are trying to do.

At this point, we have a new love and appreciation for ourselves, we know where we are heading in life, and we have cleaned up some junk. This is where we are evolving into who we are meant to be. The E in ALIVE stands for EVOLVE From a personal standpoint, I see the evolution of ourselves as an ongoing effort in the physical, emotional, spiritual, intellectual, and social aspects of life. Simply put, doing the next right thing for us to do. There are no cookie cutter lessons here. The idea is to guide you so that you can make the right choices for you.

Which brings us back to the beginning of ALIVE. As we continue to evolve through life, we find that we have no reason to look to outside sources for validation. We will find those that complement us, not complete us. The A in ALIVE stands for AUTHENTIC. When we know who we are and can listen to our intuition, we can be comfortable sharing our authentic self with the world. I believe we each have an innate core identity (I refer to it as soul) that is our true nature, values, and beliefs. Once we can learn to listen to our inner self, we can live according to the person who we are; not who the world thinks we should be.

ALIVE works whether you want some quick motivation for the day or you want to dig deep and really look within. I invite you to join me on the journey to Living ALIVE. 💜




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