Happy New Year! πŸ’œ

 Happy New Year!! πŸ’œ Here’s to the year of COMPASSION and BALANCE.

Compassion is for myself. I find it easy to show compassion to others but have been quite rough on myself over the last five or six years. Maybe that goes along with being a caregiver. I’ll have to dig deeper into that on another day. I do know that I will no longer allow myself to not be compassionate and respectful to me no matter what season I am in.

Balance is a biggie. It’s so much more than having equal amounts of career, family, and personal time. Balance is about doing the things we have to do (work and bills) and being true to our innermost being (authenticity).

How do we find compassion for ourselves and balance in our lives? It’s not some huge secret. The Universe, Creator, God or whatever you choose to call the life force energy didn’t create a “cosmic Easter bunny” to hide the answers from us so we could run around searching for it like colored eggs. The key to my existence is to do the next right thing for me. What is that? You will only know by listening to your soul which takes practice. Right now, for me, it may be posting a blog. Tomorrow, it could be as simple as brushing my teeth and taking a shower. The key is not to make it harder than it really is.

Our existence on this earth is based on the fact that we have free will. We can choose anything! The possibilities are endless! We also have consequences to every choice we make. That’s the best and the worst part of having free will. If I make a choice and it works for me, I can keep moving forward. If it doesn’t work for me, I can make a new choice until I find what’s right.

The problem becomes when we “forget” we have free will. We believe we should go to college, have a career, get married, buy a house, have 2.5 kids, buy a big SUV… do I need to continue? If this is your life and you are authentically happy, I am totally happy for you! The problem occurs when we do things because we think we are supposed to, not because it is who we are. Dale had a quote he wrote in boxes often that said, “Do you remember who you were before the world told you who you should be?” Do you remember?

So what is the next right thing for you? For me, it will be putting the laundry in the dryer. No, it’s not my favorite choice but I like the consequence of clean underwear. 🀣




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