
What the Heck is Living ALIVE Anyway? Part 2

Yesterday, my blog covered a quick backstory of how ALIVE was birthed. I also gave a super quick explanation of LOVE and IMAGINE, two of the words the acronym stands for. Today, I'm moving along with the other letters. The Rest of What You Really Want to Know Our society tends to thrive on drama of all kinds. If you don't believe it, spend some time scrolling through social media threads. We like to place blame on other people, not owning our own "stuff." We thrive to be validated for something that happens to us such as someone cutting us off in traffic or poor service. Then we move into judging others for doing the same thing. Which brings us to the  V in ALIVE stands for VICTORY . Victory against victim mentality. We learn what we can control and focus on that. We accept what we can't control and release the things that no longer serve us. We practice forgiveness and amends when needed and feed our soul good things that support what we are trying to do. At this

What the Heck is Living ALIVE Anyway? Part 1

  A Little Backstory, the Short and to the Point Version In 2016, Dale Childress (1962-2023) and I began what we called "Table Talk." The purpose was to figure out the best way to reach hurting people and actually help them. We had each considerably impacted people. Dale through Catholicism and motivational speaking, and I, through work in women's ministry and recovery.  We found out quickly that our hearts were drawn to people who were hurt by religion or someone with an influential position in religion, so religion recovery became a big focus for us. At the time, I was the Ministry Leader for a Celebrate Recovery Group in a church and most of our local "secular" programs such as AA and NA were also meeting in church buildings. We wanted to reach people that would not be willing to go to a church building. We started writing material that would be good for anyone no matter what your struggle might be. Struggling with money, religion, alcohol/drugs, divorce, gri

Happy New Year! 💜

 Happy New Year!! 💜 Here’s to the year of COMPASSION and BALANCE. Compassion is for myself. I find it easy to show compassion to others but have been quite rough on myself over the last five or six years. Maybe that goes along with being a caregiver. I’ll have to dig deeper into that on another day. I do know that I will no longer allow myself to not be compassionate and respectful to me no matter what season I am in. Balance is a biggie. It’s so much more than having equal amounts of career, family, and personal time. Balance is about doing the things we have to do (work and bills) and being true to our innermost being (authenticity). How do we find compassion for ourselves and balance in our lives? It’s not some huge secret. The Universe, Creator, God or whatever you choose to call the life force energy didn’t create a “cosmic Easter bunny” to hide the answers from us so we could run around searching for it like colored eggs. The key to my existence is to do the next right thing for